Fish & Dams

Young Salmon Survival High Through Snake River Dams

Dam News

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Snake River dams provide many significant benefits to our region. They keep our local economy strong and help retain jobs by providing businesses with affordable, reliable transportation to move goods to international markets. The dams also help protect our environment. Barging has the lowest exhaust emissions of all transportation modes and dams provide clean, renewable hydropower to keep Northwest homes and businesses warm and bright.

Lower Snake River Sediment Plan Response

Response to Comments Submitted by American Rivers et al., and Ernie Niemi on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Lower Snake River Pro-­‐‑ grammatic Sediment Management Plan prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Of the 13 salmon and steelhead stocks in the Columbia Basin listed under the Endangered Species Act, only four migrate through the lower Snake River dams. Survival through these dams for young salmon heading downstream to the ocean is high, with a survival rate of 97 percent, on average. Juvenile steelhead survival is even better, averaging 99.5 percent through the dams.
